I believe in the proportion of chaos: "There is no meaning, there is no purpose" in the very beginning. 

Suddenly, is "the hollow form of existence"... Through our path we have developed reality. 

(...in time, which is another invention). 

So, we're drifting into consequence... just like every life form, we are all traveling into the loop of evolution. 

If we assume that we are a vibrating mass, evoking crossed effects and strategies.

… This will driving us into the dead-end: Collision.

There is an issue integrated in the consequence: The vibration manifesto

This is releasing many actions, reboots and "ghostly" reactions... 

My faith is the self-evaluation of progress... such as perception and logical reasoning in computers or the A.I. reflex ... 

Human mind is powerful enough to move gaps and pieces (such as Tetris game) 

This phenomena is like a wasps nest, the constructor of our realm is pure mathematical models; 

or building fractions also known as:


In fractal terms, this is the echo of a drop poured over the energy field... 

Random seeding may gamble the result. 

And, this is the real meaning of our investigation,,, or, our traveling's most exquisite ticket: 

To learn the power of reaction.


[This Artwork was Originally made in México city 2011]

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